Additional Purpose for the Blog

Obviously, this last quarter was too busy, since I didn’t have a chance to update this thing at all, and it’s not from lack of subject matter!  So, starting anew, and will, of necessity, be updating this at least weekly, focusing on the less detailed personal issues of church matters, and more on any research, topical exploration or church-related contemplation that probably shouldn’t go on the Church Blog, mostly because I go into details that most people couldn’t care less about.  But it’s fun for me.

So, I’ve updated the Rule of Life tab, as it now contains a typical weekly schedule for me.  Don’t faint – I have actually managed to take Saturdays off, and now have a day for chores!  I’m still working the necessary 50 hours a week, but have got things scheduled for Church as well.  I actually think this will serve me well for both the diaconal period and once I’m ordained a priest.

So, topics I need to write about (but not today):  the ordination, updates on progress of workshop planning, contemplation of how to help someone accept change as a good thing, answering the other questions posed during my Liturgics class, and any other social awareness thing that strikes my fancy to write about that actually incorporates the church.  Social commentary of frustration with society goes on another blog. 🙂

For this time period of the transitional diaconate, I will most likely put comparative religious commentary on Live Journal.  (Yes, I have too many blogs.)

So, that’s the goal for at least the next six months.  Suggestions are welcome, as is commentary.  We need to invent a good debating blog…  something to contemplate for the future. 🙂